HMBS919V TC4 : Physiopathologie intégrée


Florence Perrin

Stephan Matecki

Crédits : 5 ECTS


S. Matecki

A. Meli

L. Dagneaux

Y. Gerber

O. Jonquet

K. Yauy

T. Guiho

C. Rivat

F. Rage

A. Kheddar

G. Poulen

JP. Cristol

F. Perrin

C. Fattal

L. Visier

Y-M. Pers

J. De Vos


Understanding biological mechanisms involved from the cell to the body in chronic diseases of the XXI century. Challenges and future therapeutic developments.

Theme for 2023-2024

Bionic : artificial materials and methods to produce activity/movement in a human


Part 1 : common features of chronic diseases of the XXI century, oxidative stress, ethics

Part 2 : general introduction on bionics and organoids

Part 3 : bionic and organoids in biological systems (cardiac, nervous, muscular, respiratory, osteo-articular), artificial intelligence, electrical stimulations, prothesis, exoskeleton

For each initial damage we will discuss mechanisms involved in cellular dysfunction and their clinical impact in humans, with interactive presentation of prospects in basic research and in the clinic.


Courses mainly in English and very few in French.

Courses by speakers in basic and clinical research

Modalités de contrôle des connaissances

Écrit 100%

Session 2 : écrit